Q & A with ValueMyStuff's Royal & Political Memorabilia expert

ValueMyStuff sat down with our Political & Royal Memorabilia specialist, Ian Shapiro for a Q&A. Learn more about why Ian continues to enjoy this genre of meorabilia and get insight into a specialist's valuation.

How did you get into the niche sector of Royal & Political memorabilia?

I’ve been a collector since I was a teenager and was always fascinated by people who shape history. I soon discovered that one could own their autographs. A passion soon developed that hasn’t abated over the years.

Is there a difference between the markets for Royal & Political memorabilia? 

Can you briefly explain what Royal and political memorabilia is? Is there a certain time period for it?

There are elections coming up in the UK.  Are there any pieces you think people should look out for with this in mind?

Items of international significance passed through my hands and that was thrilling.

What are the most sought after pieces on the market of Royal & Political memorabilia today?   

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