Toys Get a High Value at Auction

Bertola Auctions will be holding a great display of antique toys on June 10-11th.


On June 10-11th, Bertoia Auctions will be selling a wide arrange of toys in Vineland New Jersey. The whole sale is filled with many spectacular examples of antique toys and collections. With over 400 lots in the sale, there are many different highlights.

Both auction days will start-off with great examples of a single-owner collection of ‘safe’ banks. “We were quite fortunate to get this collection. It’s extraordinary, Guy and Kim Zani, who built this collection, only went fro rarity. They didn’t collect anything common.” Said Rich Bertoia, a gallery associate for Bertoia Auctions.June 10th will be showcasing mostly cast iron works including automobiles, trains, figurines, etc. Saturday the 11th, the auction will see many different Bell toy items as well as a great example of Mechanical-banks.

Posted by, Lauren Guzniczak.

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