Looking for antique valuations? Luxury items set for US treasury sale

A sale of luxury items is set to take place in the US.

Rolex Watches

Those seeking antique valuations might have noted news that the US Department of the Treasury is auctioning off a series of diamond rings, boats, a small plane and Rolex watches - among other items - as part of a seized property sale.

A piece in the Miami Herald highlighted some of the rarities that are due to go under the hammer at VSE Corporation's warehouse in the city.

As well as the aforementioned luxuries, bidders can attempt to bag themselves a flat-screen TV, fur coat and a collection of gold nuggets.

A mobile phone dealer called Elias Daher bought a 2000 Mercedes at a previous edition of the auction and this time, was quoted by the publication as stating: "I'm looking to see if I can find a nice watch to buy."

Proceeds from the sale are put towards the enforcement work of the country's secret service, border control and internal revenue departments.

Elsewhere in the US, a rate No 1 Batman comic strip fetched $55,269 (£34,835) at Heritage Auctions in Dallas recently.

Posted by Lisa Marriott

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