A High Value Turner Goes to the Getty Museum

Turner's 'Modern Rome – Camp Vaccino' left Britain and will be on display at Los Angeles' Getty Museum. The painting, on long term loan at the National Gallery of Scotland, was sold in July 2010 at Sotheby's to the Getty. The painting was held back in London until February in the hopes that the nation could raise the funds to keep the painting in the country.

Fine Arts

With a price tag of $45 million (£30 million), the J.M.W. Turner masterpiece, Modern Rome – Camp Vaccine will be making its first appearance in Los Angeles. After a new auction record was set for a Turner sold at auction with this piece, the painting will be leaving England due to the lack of fundraising. Even after the British government put a hold on the painting being exported from the country in hopes that the funds would be raised.

Most recently it has been seen at the National Gallery of Scotland on long-term loan from the previous owners the 5th Earl of Rosebery who acquired the piece in 1878. It was sold in July 2010 at Sotheby’s in London and the high interest with collectors helped to push the price well above the pre-sale estimates.

Posted by, Lauren Guzniczak.

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