1930 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport has antiques valuation of $1.5m

The motor has an antiques valuation of between $1.1 million and $1.5 million.

A 1930 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport has been given an antiques valuation of between $1.1 million (£682,629) and $1.5 million before it goes under the hammer.

The motor - which will be sold at an Amelia Island event by RM Auctions next month - has lightweight Zagato bodywork and a six-cylinder engine, Auto Evolution reports.

What's more, it comes with a four-speed manual transmission and has four-wheel drum brakes.

Overall, the manufacturer constructed more than 2,500 1750 models from 1929 to 1933, although the publication pointed out not many were Gran Sport vehicles.

A statement from the auction house said: "It [the vehicle] is ready for a fourth Mille Miglia entry and will certainly continue to exemplify the mystique of the 6C 1750, with its stunning beauty and immensely satisfying driving dynamics."

This comes after it was revealed more than 50 cars used during filming of the latest Captain America film are set to go under the hammer next month.

Posted by Keith Leicester

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