#4 Strangest Collectible Sold At Auction

The countdown of weird auction items continues with #4 at ValueMyStuff.

Some people say that eBay has revolutionized the way in which people are able to buy and sell items, but after seeing this I am beginning to think that there are some who have taken the phenomenon a little too far. In March 2000, Justin Timberlake had breakfast. It turns out he wasn't as hungry as he thought, and left half a plate of French Toast for the waitress to clear. The very same waitress decided it would be a wise idea to list the French Toast that Timberlake couldn't finish in addition to the plate and fork used for the meal on eBay. Perhaps she was unhappy with the tip left by Timberlake and wanted to subsidize this, or maybe she just saw a good opportunity to make a quick dollar. Either way, it turns out she was right because after less than 2 days, and 40 bids the lot sold for a whopping $3,154. This wasn't the first time that bizarre celebrity memorabilia has been sold, but it could be said that this might be crossing a line. I wonder where the toast is now, I hope the buyer didn't get hungry and eat it!

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