Picasso Loans Have High Values For Art

The Musee Picasso in Paris is trying to acquire funds to reopen the museum by organizing big blockbuster touring shows of Picasso's work.


In this economic climate museums are trying to do everything they can to both earn money and keep their costs down to a minimum. The director of the Musee Picasso in Paris is organizing an international touring exhibition so that money can be raised for a renovation. Last year the museum was able to raise between €1 and €3.5 million from touring exhibitions alone.

The Musee Picasso has been closed since late 2009 because of renovations. The museum is to raise €23 million of the overall bill of €45 million. The government is providing little support but the €19 million from the ministry of culture has helped.

“My aim is to find ways of reopening this museum to the biggest audience possible. Our exhibitions are not mercantile, cynical or without value.” Said Anne Baldassari the director for the Musee Picasso.

Posted by, Lauren Guzniczak.

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