Marilyn Monroe X-ray to go under the hammer

Other lots to be put up for auction in June include the star's sofa used during therapy sessions.

Film Memorabilia

Movie fans might enjoy heading to a Las Vegas-based auction inJune, as several lots pertaining to Marilyn Monroe have been valuedand are to go under the hammer. They include an X-ray taken of the actress's chest while she wasbeing treated for endometriosis in 1954 and the sofa she used whenundergoing therapy sessions.

The former item - which is to be put up for bidding by Julien'sAuctions on the 26th of the month at the Planet Hollywood Resortand Casino - bears the name DiMaggio, as the Some Like It Hot starwas divorcing baseballer Joe DiMaggio at the time. 

It is thought that the medical picture will fetch up to £780 andmanager Darren Julien was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as saying:"There should be a lot of interest as it is the ultimate look intothe legend." This comes after it emerged that Michael Jackson's furniturewould be auctioned off, with some of the proceeds going tocharity.

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