William Shatner adds value to Star Trek auction

William Shatner has given a selection of items to a Star Trek auction scheduled for June.

Film Memorabilia

A Star Trek memorabilia auction scheduled for June will now include items from William Shatner's personal collection, which is likely to add much value to proceedings. The Julien's Auctions Summer Entertainment Sale in Las Vegas,Nevada, is expected to raise thousands upon thousands of dollars via sales of costumes, annotated scripts, bronze sculptures and iconic trinkets from the set of the sci-fi show.

Shatner's contribution encompasses various hobbies andprofessional achievements, from his FX Super Glide Harley Davidson motorbike to an original Walk of Fame plaque and a Golden Globenomination certificate for Boston Legal, in which he recently starred. However, true Trekkies will be able to bid for items such as acostume worn by the character Lwaxana Troi in Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: The Next Generation, and one of eight USS Enterprise models, hand-rendered and completely custom-made.

"My father would be proud that his memorabilia will not only been joyed and cherished by Star Trek fans, but that the proceeds will benefit society on a larger scale," said Rod Roddenberry, son of creator Gene, who died in 1991.

All of the money raised is to be given to charity.

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