Christie's Values Chinese Piece for Charity

On May 28th, Christie's will hold their Asian 20th Century and Contemporary art sale in Hong Kong. The Zeng Fanzhi lot, The Leopard will be sold for charity with all proceeds going to The Nature Conservatory. All commissions will be waved for this lot.

On the 28th of May, Christies will hold their Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art in Hong Kong. Along with many wonderful works being offered, Christie’s is selling Zeng Fanzhi’s ‘The Leopard’ as a charitable piece. The proceeds will go to a non-profit organisation called The Nature Conservancy. The estimate is HK$6-8 million or US$769,000-1,025,600.

There will be over 30 works of Zeng featured in the exhibition at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre being sponsored by the Francois Pinault Foundation, The Rockbund Museum and Christie’s. The exhibition will showcase his new series of works dealing with the theme of nature concluding with the sale of The Leopard.

Posted by, Lauren Guzniczak.

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