Antiques valuation seekers may be keen on Rupert Bear sale

A Rupert Bear toy is set to go up for auction to celebrate his 90th birthday, antiques valuation seekers might be keen to note.

Antique Mirrors

Those looking for an accurate antiques valuation might be interested to note that a Rupert Bear teddy is set to go under the hammer to celebrate the character's 90th birthday.

The one-off Steiff toy will also raise money for Muscular Dystrophy with all proceeds going to the campaign.

He was created in 1920 for the Daily Express and is older than Winnie the Pooh by six years, while he is old enough to be Padding ton Bear's dad with 40 years on him.

Individuals keen to read about the character - first created by artist Mary Tourtel - might like to note that the 75th Rupert Bear annual was recently published - and these types of publications can fetch up to £20,000.

This is not the only Steiff product to go up for sale recently after a collection of more than 1,000 Steiff teddy bears were given an antiques valuation topping £1 million.

Posted by Lisa Marriott

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